A VINILE® installation creating a possibility to have the office space visual open or not.
A VINILE® installation on sliding doors to have it visually transparent or milky white.
Why not add a color on your VINILE® showroom installation!
A VINILE® solution even for the small office space where a selective privacy is needed.
Another meeting room another space with a VINILE® installation.
When you need your showroom to be a meeting room once in a while.
Working with secret technical solutions then VINILE® will be right for you.
Need to close your office area from outdoor spectators us VINILE®.
Installations made recently (August 2023) at a client’s home in Gothenburg.
Close all or some of the exterior windows with VINILE® when working with architecture.
Exterior window that can be see-throw or open at a click of a button.
A VINILE® installation at a luxury home looking for privacy now and then.
Changing the look & feel in a building or in a room with VINILE®.
Making the bathroom privat with VINILE® when you need to be alone.
A home installation with VINILE® for integrity when required.
Another villa installation for integrity and privacy.
Hotel meeting room for open or closed conversations.
Volkswagen interactive display window made with a VINILE® solution.
A shopping window made to surprise and inspire to increase shopping.
A display are in a kitchen to enhance the eating experience.
A shopping window made with VINILE® to create a flexible marketing area.